
Speed Tip for Macs running Netscape
Use this trick so you don't have to wait for Netscape to reload all the thumbnails each time you view a comping image:
  • Important: Wait for the thumbnails to load completely
  • Then: Click and hold the mouse button anywhere on the border of the thumbnail page (the contextual menu will appear)
  • Click on "New Window with this Frame" (this opens a separate window which will serve as a "cache" of the thumbnail page).
  • Click on the original thumbnails window (the one labeled "Netscape: This Disc’s Main Frame") to bring it to the front

Note: You will be working in the original thumbnail window, but you need to keep the new window
you opened in the "background"

To actually view comping images:

  1. Staying in the original window, click on a thumbnail image - the comping image will appear.
  1. Click either the "Thumbnails" button or your browser's Back button to return to the thumbnails.

Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each comping image you wish to view.  When you are entirely done, close the new, background window.